FILM: FEATURE & DOCUMENTARYdirection>camop>editing

>Writer/Director "The Prodigal", a gangster comedy. Shot on 16mm in NY & UK. Film was selected by LM Kit Carson (Paris, Texas) and Sean Connery for up-and-coming young director.
>Cam-Op Rampage Films/Merchant Ivory "Sky Burial", a short film set in the Himalayas with actor Josh Hamilton and DP David Breashears.
>Taught low budget filmmaking at Trent University (guest professor), Toronto. The Champlain Film Festival was established following the success of this course.
>Cam-Op & Co-Editor "The Angry Skies", a BK documentary on the last surviving architects of the Khmer Rouge. Film won Best Political Documentary awards at the LA and NY Documentary Film Festivals.
>Cam-Op/Editor DVTV (Dysfunctional Veterans Television) Episodes 1-6. DV is one of the largest veteran Facebook pages with 1.2M followers and a mission to enable veterans to become functional again through bootcamp humor, radio, TV and the nonprofit DV Farm for Homeless Vets.
>Editor, "Eye of the Lammergeier", a BK documentary. Official Selection Madrid International Film Festival 2017. Official Selection Berlin International Filmmaker's Festival 2017. Official Selection Hamptons Take 2 Documentary Film Festival 2017. Winner BIFF Science & Educational Award 2017.