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Phnom Penh, Cambodia.


Following the completion of "The Angry Skies" documentary that chronicled the surviving architects of the Khmer Rouge, ASM travelled back to Cambodia to establish the groundwork for his longstanding vision to build a school for street-working kids.  

He established an international NGO in the Kingdom of Cambodia, setup a 501(c)3 in the US, rented a building on the banks of the Mekong in Phnom Penh and began selecting 26 gifted children (13 girls & 13 boys) from the streets, slums and landfills of Cambodia. Returning periodically to the US to rally donations, ASM raised over $750,000 in support for TGC during his 5-year tenure.

None of the selected children had previously attended school and all were illiterate upon commencement of classes in May 2004.


Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Each TGC student received a dollar a day to attend classes. TGC was the first school of it's type to use cash compensation to de-necessitate parents sending their children out to work as beggars and garbage collectors around the city streets. Upon the request of parents, by mid-2004 all attending children were being safe-housed at a premises rented by TGC and staffed by Khmer nationals: domestic abuse & violence is commonplace among impoverished Khmer families and children's studies were being effected by often difficult domestic conditions. Performance results improved exponentially after children were sheltered. 

Children were taught Khmer, English, Math, Science, History, Geography, Typing, Computer studies, Traditional Dance and Karate 6 days per week.

2005 - 2008
Phnom Penh & Siem Reap, Cambodia.

In 2005 ASM formed a collaboration with MIT to establish a self-sustaining school campus for TGC on 5 acres of land near the Angkor temples. MIT's public service dept sent a team of engineering students to The Global Child in Cambodia to work closely with TGC students and learn cultural/local customs for optimum community integration. MIT team members spent a subsequent year designing a state-of-the-art residential education center that would not only teach & train TGC students but would serve as a field-lab for an ongoing MIT outreach program. Students and professors wishing to implement their oil-free eco-concepts could travel to the TGC field-lab to do so. Successful designs would then be produced locally and distributed to augment the living standards of impoverished families throughout the region.

Due to Cambodia's fiscal/energy interests, funding was not permitted allocation for the MIT project. The TGC school still functions today and is located in Siem Reap.

Oct 2013 - April 2014
Consultant & Director of Philanthropy.

Between October 2013 and April 2014 ASM worked as a consultant for The Warrior Connection: a veterans initiative based in Vermont. The Warrior Connection is a 501(C)3 not-for-profit organization. Since it’s inception TWC has offered retreats for combat veterans suffering PTS. All programs are non-clinical and non-stigmatizing,  and are designed to either prevent veteran suicides or intervene using a proven model to strengthen and support returning veterans and their families. ASM continues in an informal capacity as Director of Philanthropy.

April 2014 - Present

BATTLE-BRO is the first dedicated call-network exclusively for verified US Veterans. This 48-state network forms an alliance of proactive, verified Veterans who can rally to provide support for their service brothers & sisters during their critical homecoming process. BATTLE-BRO is an L3C Low-Profit company established for this cause. 






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