"A boutique hotel in Siem Reap, Cambodia built for a former colleague. I designed and commissioned every detail from the carved wooden doors, to fixtures & fittings to the repro French colonial floor tiles using unique patterns for each room. It's a luxury space available for discerning guests, everyone who sees it falls in love with it."
"B.R.A.T.=Bikes for Rascals Addicted to Trouble. In 2008 I designed and built two 100cc motorcycles that achieve 60mph and get over 100mpg per gallon. The push was to develop cool low displacement, low emission scoots for the American market and attract a whole new demographic to more ecological methods of transpo. It was a little ahead of its time, but I believe there is an interest growing now in small radical bikes."
"D4S is a design standard laid out in an ethos called The Binary Code. Basically we conduct longterm testing on select essential items and find the best of the best to recommend to the authentic man. Guys who like life lean and clean will probably understand this algorithm & concept. It's not a money thing, it's about acquiring a great headspace for life simplicity and re-found masculinity."
"This was a collaboration between my son - Sam - and me. We took a one-acre potato field in a remote part of NE Thailand and built a house, wall, pond (he dug the entire thing out) and planted 200 tropical fruit & flowering trees. It was a real slice of paradise, after a couple of years we were eating our own mangos and bananas, truly sorry to have sold it (2012), but hey, we can always do it again!"

Site under construction.
"World's Most Delicious was a restaurant started by me and my son, another great collaboration. We served the absolute fish & chips, in true British style, with malt vinegar & artisan beers from the US/UK. We only had it five months, my son was offered a job in NY and the restaurant had an offer too, and we took it. It was a great model, really straightforward, outstanding spit & sawdust vibe, delicious food (hard not to indulge in it every day, put on weight), a 'sing-for-your-supper' policy which brought alot of great local musicians to the joint...and profitable from day 1. Great fun!"
"BATTLE-BRO was initially conceived to prevent veteran suicides, which currently exceed twenty each day in this country. It's a tragedy beyond measure. So the idea was simple, each vet makes one call to another vet every day, and clicks the box next to their name to signify they've been reached. It worked, and continues to save lives. And now it's evolving into something greater, and more holistically supportive. And we have groups that link-up daily in all 48 states as the network grows in numbers."